
Monday 29 April 2024
The temperature Now
current weather icon Broken Clouds
is 33°C
Updated: 2024-04-28 23:59:46
  • The temperature at
    forecast weather icon Scattered Clouds
    will be 33°C
  • The temperature at
    forecast weather icon Scattered Clouds
    will be 31°C
  • The temperature at
    forecast weather icon Few Clouds
    will be 30°C
Chiang Mai
On the night of the 3rd July, police were alerted to an incident at Nakorn Ping Hospital. On arrival they found Susao Saeyang, a 23 year old Hmong man, intoxicated and attempting to hit his six year old son.  Hospital staff and security were also hurt as he refused to calm down. Susao works as a handyman at a local hotel and lived on the hotel grounds, according to reports. His son, Songkran, is

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