Family yoga circle

February 4

Thursdays 4-5 pm
Ages: 1-4
Yoga, snack, and art for the families of little ones. Family yoga circle is a unique way to connect with your little one and other families in the community through the joyful practice of yoga.
Yoga for toddlers specifically aids in body, mind, and emotional development in a caring and supportive environment.
The body is strengthened and skills like balance, jumping, and fine motor skills are spotlighted. More subtle apects like body and spatial awareness are also important aspects of yoga for children of this age.
Breathing practices (pranayama) are taught with props to demonstrate the physical action of breathing. These practices also can be used in times of stress or overwhelm.
Connection is the most valuable aspect of family yoga time. Taking the time to connect physically and share space moving helps foster healthy practices for your family that can be practiced at home and expanded for years to come.
This is a non-judgement zone, feel free to leave the class as needed, change diapers, breast feed etc. We know that being the parent of a young one is a huge role, there’s no need to perform at this space.
350 baht / child + caregiver(s)
Siblings + 150 thb
1 Month / 4 sessions: 1,100 baht

Event Details

Timing: 4pm - 5pm

Kids Yoga Garden

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