Motion Analysis Clinical Massage – Basic Course

July 16 - July 19

Motion Analysis Clinical Massage
4 days Intensive Basic course

Courses detail & cost;
16th -19th July 2019
10:00-15:00 Tue-Fri
contact at RSM or Spa Mantra
+66 985175990 <Hironori Ikeda>
5900 baht for 4 days including anatomy text book

Motion Analysis Clinical Massage is an innovative, remedial massage continuing education program. It is focused on functional anatomy with Deep Tissue Massage and Trigger Point therapy, and offers advanced, sports medicine based clinical and orthopedic massage.

Our teaching and advanced educational methods, along with our extensive expertise and history in treating pain and injuries with deep tissue and massage techniques, are all brought together in this unique educational opportunity.

Gain insight into musculoskeletal conditions, from acute to chronic

Explore why and how treatments function to heal pain and injuries

Learn to match the physiology of the tissue with the physiological effects of the treatment

Learn injury specific & generalized treatment solutions for a wide diversity of conditions

Learn orthopedic assessment and problem-solving strategies so your treatments are more effective and targeted

Review anatomy & kinesiology principles so your treatments and assessments are based on sports medicine science

Develop the clinical reasoning skills that are necessary and at the core of advanced therapy

Content is focused on the cognitive, knowledge-based, and in-depth study that we believes is the foundation for high-quality, advanced massage treatment of complex conditions.

Goal: Become a more effective clinician, have a more satisfying and successful practice, and gain loyalty from your clients

Event Details

Timing: 10am - 3pm

RSM International
Massage Academy
and Treatment Facility

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